Wednesday 13 May 2009

Causes of Hair Loss

We lose 100-150 strands of hair everyday, actually, simply from brushing and manipulating.If your hair are long, this can look like a lot, but, considering the amount of hair on a head, it’s a small amount. If hair is coming out in clumps, or you notice circular patches of balding spots, however, there is definitely a problem, and treatment will be based upon the specific cause.The following causes should be investigated if you are experiencing more-than-normal hair loss:

1. Diet: Temporary hair loss can be due to an unbalanced diet or diet without enough protein. Women who are anemic often experience hair loss .

2. Menopause: Hair loss can escalate during this period due to change in harmones, and, unfortunately, this can be permanent.

3. Frequent Shampooing: A lathering ingredient in shampoo called surfactant.
This can be irritating to the scalp and cause itching and scratching, thus increased hair loss

4. Improper Care: If you manipulate your hair too much, color and treat too much, blow dry and heat with curling irons and hot rollers too much, you will see increased hair loss. You need only to look at your bathroom floor, sink and countertops to notice this. Slow down!

5. Psychological/Physiological Stress: Increased in hair loss is noticed with pregnancies, major surgery, or a major life event, such as a death or divorce. These causes are temporary and hair growth will return to normal eventually

6. Heredity: Heredity effects play an important part and comes from both sides of the family

7. Other Health Conditions: Thyroid problems, lupus, and diabetes can accelerate hair loss. Obviously, these need to be diagnosed by a physician.

8. Alopecia Areata: This is an autoimmune condition characterized by circular patches of baldness
There’s a lot of research going on which may soon resolve most of the causes of hair loss in women.


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