Wednesday 6 October 2010

All about Hair

The hair covers almost the entire skin surface except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, lips, nipples, navel and the third phalanges of the fingers. The man is in abundance in the scalp, underarms, pubic, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard area and mustache but in the women and children is thinner.At puberty hair makes its appearance in the pubis and armpits.In all areas hair serves to protect: the head guard us from the sun and the trauma,in addition to the eyebrows and eyelashes , covering the sun, prevent foreign particles entering the eyes, in the armpits and pubic reinforce the smell of sweat.

Why do some have more hair than others?

Race and heredity determine the quantity, texture and color of hair, which may be straight, curly or woolly, and vary from blond to black through different shades of brown, for example, Asians tend to have straight, those of Blacks tend to curl, and based on inheritance, will be populated, heavily populated or low.
Hair can suffer various disorders such as androgenetic alopecia, a hereditary problem and called premature baldness, which according to U.S. statistics, it is very common, as have about 50% of men and 25% of the women. Although in Mexico there are no statistics on the subject, represents an important reason for medical consultation.
There are other factors involving endocrine disorders such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome and ovarian tumors, and Addison's syndrome and Cushing, as certain drugs may cause or increase in hair shedding, such as heparin, cyclophosphamide, the I-methotrexate, colchicine, azathioprine, combined oral contraceptives, etc., even pregnancy causes changes in the amount of hair, because on one hand increases during this period, and on the other, the decline increases after delivery. This also can result from deficiencies: protein malnutrition, deficiency of essential fatty acids like linoleic and alpha-and iron deficiency, in addition to metabolic problems such as kidney failure or liver.

When will it grow?

The hair of the eyebrows, upper lip and the beard begins to form at nine weeks gestation, where it originates from the primary hair germ, which is increasing day by day to create the hair follicle, then the hair stem is formed .

When did Hair fall?

The life cycle of hair is divided into three stages: the first is the period of growth, called anagen, that lasts from two to six years, the second is a transitional phase in which follicles remain dormant for two or three weeks , finally, the stage of hair removal that lasts two to three months, called telogen, when it is pushed by the new. It is known that hair follicle produces about 20 throughout its entire existence and that in total there are about 100,000 hairs on a healthy scalp, which usually lose 50 to 100 a day, but simultaneously are grow other, so there is always more or less the same amount.

Keep or remove

It is desirable to keep the hair because, as mentioned, is a protection. You have to keep it as healthy as possible, with health and good nutrition, avoiding the aggressive agents. Eliminate causes disorders of scalp, because there is increased sun exposure, which leads to problems that are easy to observe in those without. Such is the case of androgenetic alopecia, which increases the susceptibility to develop skin lesions that is unprotected, they range from changes in color, as brown spots, and precancerous lesions such as actinic keratosis, until skin cancer .
Today, aesthetics  tends to remove hair from various body areas, but we must keep in mind that if you have is for something, because it has a specific function in the body, protect it.

Shaving or waxing?

While shaving is easy, cheap, fast, painless and safe, the result is very short. Only a matter of hours or days, a blunt even thicker, so women tend to reject this method to get rid of the hair. Side effects are postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin of the site), pseudofolliculitis, contact dermatitis, and small erosions and abrasions.
Plucking is a more lasting hair free for days or even weeks, because trying to remove the hair follicle. The most common method is the wax used usually in the form of hot or cold strips are placed over the area will be plucking and then removed opposite to the direction in which hair grows, the pseudofolliculitis or process can cause infectious folliculitis.
With tweezers, hair by hair is started or groups of them, this method is used especially in the eyebrows and face, and is simple, cheap and fast.
The concept of permanent hair reduction is seen as significant and stable as sustained hair. It is practiced by laser devices that require the evaluation of patients before its implementation. To get it you should go to a specialized center, where professionals perform these procedures in repeated sessions to achieve a satisfactory result. The method is expensive, but over time the price tends to fall
Long hair indicates illness?

Excess hair in an area not normally hairy body is a condition called hypertrichosis and may be congenital or acquired, localized or generalized. A disorder that affects women is hirsutism, which is defined as excessive hair growth in a typically male pattern, such as upper lip, cheeks, chin, anterior chest, breast, lower abdomen and groin. It results from excessive secretion of androgens in the ovaries or adrenal glands or the stimulation of a pituitary tumor. Thus cases of severe and progressive hirsutism should be studied jointly by an endocrinologist.


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