Wednesday 6 October 2010

Menstrual Disorders or Irregularities

The following are among the major menstrual disturbances: 

• Amenorrhea or absence of menstrual period, which may be:

This term is used to refer to the absence of the period in young women who at 16 years of age have not yet started menstruating. In this case we need to rule first on the presence of congenital or birth defects in reproductive organs.

Secondary. Is the lack of menstruation in women who used to have it regularly. Some causes of amenorrhea are physiological or normal, such as pregnancy and lactation, while others are extreme weight loss as a result of serious illness, eating disorders, excessive exercise or stress. You may also be related to problems of the reproductive organs or hormone of the pituitary, thyroid, ovary or adrenal.

• Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps: These are periods

Pain including severe menstrual cramps. In general, in young women the pain is not due to any disease or known medical condition,but is caused by a hormone called prostaglandin, which causes excessive contractions of the uterus or womb that become disabling. Some counter painkillers can help relieve these symptoms. Sometimes an illness or medical condition such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids are the cause of pain. Treatment depends on the source of the problem and its severity.

• abnormal uterine bleeding or vaginal bleeding other than normal menstrual periods.

It includes very heavy bleeding or small, unusually long periods, too frequent or between periods. In adolescents and women approaching menopause, hormone imbalance problems often cause these disorders and irregular cycles. Other causes of abnormal bleeding include uterine fibroids and polyps, and treatment will depend on its origin.

Not always the menstrual cycle irregularities are candidates for treatment, and first intention must rule out any physical problem

When there is need of  doctor?

• If you are 16 years and has not yet started menstruating.

• If your period  occur stops suddenly .

• If bleeding for more days than usual.

• If you bleed excessively.

• If you bleed more than just a few drops between periods.

• If you have severe pain during your period.


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