Monday 23 April 2012

13 original ideas effective for your health

Wash hands, be careful in the sun, watching your diet and lifestyle ... These are all logical and conventional advice that we all follow for the good of our health. Going a little further, for you has listed 13 tips rather original but totally effective!

1. Use the toilet closest to the door.
After analyzing 51 public restrooms, experts found that those who were closest to the door had the lowest levels of bacteria and more toilet paper! The first toilet is less visited because they are more exposed to the full knowledge of those who pass in the hallway. When finished, be careful when flushing. Indeed, fine particles of water containing bacteria can be projected. You can catch gastroenteritis or hepatitis ...

2. For a broken arm, make a splint with a magazine.
To make an improvised splint, place your wrist, palm down, on top of a thick magazine. Roll the magazine into a U shape and attach it with tape or long strips of fabric. And if you please, do not forget to renew your subscription ...

3. Accuse the other to take your keys!
According to studies, there is a clear difference between how the young and the elderly interpret having (yet) lost his keys. A young man in general inculcates the loss to the other while an older person blames himself for losing his head. Do not use your age as an excuse and you will stay young in your head! It's a mental trick effective.

4. Scrape the other arm.
When you feel like you scratch his arm but he is in a cast, try scratching the same place on the other arm (the same applies to the legs). Pushes this trick your brain into thinking you really scratch the itchy area.

5. High fever: treat your groin!
You can treat a small fever by drinking regularly. But if the temperature rises, put a towel you filled with ice, under your arms or near your groin. The ice will cool your upper body. It is not pleasant, but it works. Then go see a doctor.

6. Snort apples!
If you are claustrophobic or simply uncomfortable with small spaces like the subway or the elevator, drop by the fruit stand. A green apple scent can relieve you. Similarly, if you sell your house, put a basket of green apples on the table give the impression to your potential buyers that the house is bigger!

7. Forget antibacterial soaps!
There is no reason to buy antibacterial soaps. In fact, these soaps may do more harm than good because bacteria become more resistant over the day.

8. Straighten your seat.
You ride a lot? Imagine that someone has slipped an ice cube in your shirt and you feel it down along your spine. You arch your shoulders and turn back: this is the position you need to keep driving on the highway to protect you from backache.

9. Disinfect the wound with honey.
Spread a dab of honey on a cut before putting a bandage. In fact, honey has antibacterial properties. A recent study has shown that it is capable of destroying all the most common strains of infection.

10. Ease the pain with pepper!
The next time you flay in the kitchen, think of black pepper. Place your wound with soap and water. Then sprinkle with pepper. Before long, your wound will stop bleeding. It turns out that pepper is an analgesic with antiseptic properties. Pepper does not sting the skin ...!

11. Shave your mustache and Sniff less.
If you are prone to allergies and you have a mustache, wash it twice a day. Patients who have engaged in this experiment used less antihistamines and decongestants (treatment for allergies). And yes, the pollen will stick to the hair, right under your nose ...

12. Take a pet.
To reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke, have a dog or cat. Stroking an animal soothes you and lowers your blood pressure.

13. Flush!
Have you ever noticed how it was satisfying to flush the water, especially when it comes to removing a turd finely crafted? The next time you're stressed out, drop a pen next to your toilet paper. Once on the throne, write the names of persons responsible for your anxiety and throw the paper into the toilet. Flush with water. You will be amazed at the satisfaction you bring this simple gesture!


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