Wednesday 25 April 2012

Sleep Disorder Between 30 and 40 Years

Contrary to popular belief, insomnia is not inevitable. By following our four tips will quickly find that your nights will improve.

At that age men sleep an average of slightly more than before but still insufficiently. Worse, according to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, the sleep of men between 30 and 40 is much shallower and therefore restorative than men aged 20 to 30 years.

The four-point solution
1 Before going to bed, swallow the vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid,). According to Ron Klatz, president of the American Academy of fight against aging, this is an excellent antidote against cortisol, hormones that convey stress. If this is not enough, ask your doctor for treatment with aspirin, which helps reduce cortisol production.

2 When your cortisol checked, must your sleeping conditions are good. Feel free to use earplugs and a blindfold not to be disturbed by noise nuisance and luminosities.

3 Ask the children to never disturb you while you sleep and leave the TV in the bedroom. It is an incentive to watch. Also a Brown University study has clearly demonstrated that the small screen disrupts sleep.

4 Make a 30 minute walk at the end of the afternoon. By varying the temperature of your body that will help you sleep. A study by the University of Arizona is the perfect time to be sure your deepest sleep possible at night.


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