Sunday 17 May 2009

How to Eliminate and Remove Acne Scars

Most People don't know that there are many effective treatments for acne.That is why they fail to get early treatment. Unfortunately there is a risk of developing acne scars when it is progressed from a mild or moderate stage to severe acne. As acne scars should be avoided at all cost so you should halt the progression of your acne in early stages.
Sometimes acne heals when left alone but sometimes it changes into more advanced and serious stage. The possibility of formation of acne scras increases when acne reaches a stage where its cysts and nodules are developing. There are a few treatment to remove acne scars however some scarring will be permanent or require regular treatment. In general,the treatment effects for acne scars are temporary.It is important to pursue treatment aggressively,if your acne becomes severe. You should consult a doctor or a dermatologist for the correct medical advice and to gain access to the latest prescription medicine. Effective treatment, at this stage, can be the difference between ridding yourself of acne and being plagued with a lifetime of scarring. Acne scars are much larger and quite painful in severe stage rather than during the mild or moderate stage. All cases of acne are unique. Treatments that work perfectly for one individual can have absolutely no impact on another. The same is true for treatments for acne scarring because acne affects the skin of every individual in a different way and each instance of scarring is unique. There are six well-known treatments for acne scarring. More often a combination of treatments are used as opposed to a single treatment. Acne scars are generally treated using one or more of the following treatments; Dermabrasion, Laser Resurfacing, Chemical Peels, Punch Techniques, Subcision or Augmentation. These treatments vary in price and in effectiveness. Weigh each option and its proven results carefully because a high price does not always mean the most success for you. Augmentation is when a substance is injected under an acne scar to help raise the crater-like scars that severe acne leaves.
Collagen is often used for this and at times fat from other areas of the individual’s body but it has temporary results and the treatment should be repeated on a regular basis.Other methods such as Dermabrasion and Laser resurfacing are very expensive.
Making a decision on an acne scar treatment is difficult.Try to make a decision based on facts rather on emotions. Ask your doctor for all of the facts and ask him to clarify any points that are not clear to you. This will help you to make an informed decision.


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