Monday 16 May 2011

Home-health counselors, help people with asthma and allergies

The increasing political studies today plans to include home-health relationships. Many of these actions are result from the development of a business: consulting environmental health or housing inside: What? why such an adviser? what are its inputs?

What's this?
In 1991, Professor of Pneumology of the Regional University Hospital of Strasbourg Frédéric de Blay, also president of the French Society of Aerobiology and environmental expert with the European Parliament, created the profession of environmental consultant Interior (CIAM
) or Habitat Health Adviser. Their role is to identify the various sources of household allergens and pollutants in people with respiratory diseases or allergies.

What training should I do?
CIAM is a professional Diploma by Interuniversity Respiratory Health and Habitat or a professional license of Health and the Environment
Professionals . These teachings are transmitted only in the universities of Strasbourg, in partnership with those of Brest, Montpellier, Paris and Toulouse. Graduates are trained to perform audits of the indoor environment and to establish preventive measures.

When do you call a CIAM?   
Housing-health counselors are solely at the request of a physician after a diagnosis of pathology in relation to a pollutant of the indoor environment (asthma, eczema, cough ...) and ideally after a review allergy. Unfortunately today many doctors do not usually advise these requirements, mainly for lack of knowledge and information.
note that the CIAM can exercise in private (the cost of intervention rises between 150 and 300 €) or not. In this case, consultation is free.

Between our home, office or school and transportation, we spend an average of 20 hours per day inside the various venues of life. But the air of these places is a mixture of physical contaminants, chemical and biological materials and human resources from around us. It is the paradise of small animals such as dust mites, cockroaches, molds and allergens! It therefore becomes essential to monitor and control their home!

What are they?
Housing-health counselors realize an audit of the indoor environment. They investigate room by room, according to a specific questionnaire, and produce samples (air, dust, mold, dust mites ...) to issue a progress report. They then propose measures to reduce exposures vis-à-vis the pathogen or household pollutants ... in short, they teach us to adapt our home and our way of life for comfort!

A trade in vogue?

This occupation is still poorly developed due to the weakness of opportunities offered to young graduates. But this is bound to change.


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