Wednesday 25 April 2012

6 Effects of Lack of Sleep

For many of us, sleep can be a real problem. Many elements can induce sleep deprivation as worries, night thoughts, the quality of the mattress or pillows. 6 delivers the signals that you must focus on quality sleep.

Sleep is as vital as eating. And you really pay attention because a lack of sleep too much can have serious health consequences and lead to problems with blood pressure, obesity, depression, impaired memory, reduced concentration, etc..
So if you wonder whether you really need sleep, count the number of symptoms described below which you are a victim. If there are more than three, try a good night's seven hours as soon as you can.

1 / You're not hungry at lunch time.
Lack of sleep can have two types of effects on your stomach. Either he gives you constantly want to eat more to compensate, or you're full. This phenomenon is related to the fact that your body clock is disrupted. This is also why many people gain or lose weight when abnormally accumulate insomnia.

2 / You looked at three other sites over the last five minutes and check your emails twice.
We will not scold you because you do not surf on enough, but this simply proves that you have attention problems. If you can not you focus on a subject more than a few seconds it can be related to a sleep disorder.

3 / You do not remember where you put the car keys.
Your brain needs to rest to regenerate and refresh. Otherwise the party keeps in memory of unimportant events can continue to work said Dr. Neil Kline sleep physician and representative of the American Academy of sleep.

4 / You can not get interested in the conversations of others.
When you miss a lot of sleep, it is very difficult to take an interest in discussions of little importance that can be exchanged between friends or between strangers. This is normal because your brain to other concerns.

5 / You doze at the wheel or office.
Although your eyes will sting you and you have an irresistible urge to close them, you are obliged to keep them open when working or driving. This is just proof that you are tired. Drink caffeine, expose you to a sunbeam, turn up the volume of music you will certainly stay awake, but it will not solve in any fatigue.

6 / You feel sick but are not forever.
Your immune system regenerates and "repair" your body while you sleep. It is normal to feel to be weakened when one does not leave him enough time to act. Then try to sleep at least seven hours a night!


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