Wednesday 25 April 2012

9 Truths about Sleep

We spend about one third of our lives asleep. That's how this activity is important. And activity, this is a well. Because sleep is not easy. Slow-wave sleep to REM sleep, the activity of the sleeper is far from being reduced to nothing.

1 / You have to sleep 7-8 hours a night
It is in fact an average for an adult individual. The average sleep time has also decreased in fifty years 1:30 - 6:58 weekdays, 7:50 on weekends, according to a BVA poll conducted in early 2010 the Institute for Sleep and alertness (INVS). It is the feeling of rest or fatigue on awakening that makes the difference. If you wake up constantly tired, then your rest time is not long enough or, as one in three French, that the quality of your sleep is insufficient (INPE survey, December 2008).

2 / Lack of sleep harms
Not always easy to adapt the requirements of its metabolism to their lifestyle. Lack of sleep could impair immune function and triple the risk of developing respiratory illness, according to a study published in January 2010 in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Moreover, a Chinese study published in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine in January 2010 noted that a night of eight hours or less in children increased the risk of hyperglycemia and even Type 2 diabetes, even among those whose normal weight. Finally, lack of sleep also have adverse consequences on the psychological state, up to depression.

3 / You can always catch up on sleep late
You partied two nights in a row this week, and you are compensated by sleeping twice this weekend. Depending on your age, your metabolism will react differently. SANTÉLes under 30 will recover easily with sleeping late on weekends. While more than 30 years will have a little more difficult. Used to a rhythm, the body can suddenly compensate. Do not stress, the solution exists. You can either put you to sleep an hour or two earlier nights after your crazy nights, or you indulge in a nap (not villainous!) Earlier this afternoon. The ideal length: 10 to 15 minutes. Conversely, to stock up on sleep in anticipation of a sleepless night of no use either. It is the regularity that governs sleep.

4 / Having sex helps them sleep better
Nothing like a cuddle with your dear and loving! Besides the fact that these two activities are practiced (among others) in the same place - in bed - make love promotes sleep through the secretion of hormones of pleasure, responsible for reducing stress and anxiety . And your dear wife complains that you fall asleep too quickly, explain that to satisfy your body had to produce so much prolactin, among others, that even the sex goddess that you need time recovery. This hormone, combined with norepinephrine, serotonin, vasopressin and oxytocin, by fatiguing the individual, makes it easier to sleep.
5 / A hot bath, a glass of milk, and in bed!
23:30, you leave the office exhausted. If you plan to run directly to bed, remember, your body needs to relax before sleep. The main virtue of the bath is its relaxing effect. Read, listen to music (if you're a fan of Metallica, the result is less certain) all help to put your body in a state conducive. Milk, in turn, facilitates sleep, thanks to the presence of tryptophan, an amino acid can be converted by the body into serotonin, whose presence is a prerequisite for the onset of sleep. With a spoon of honey, also rich in tryptophan, the cocktail will be perfect. Than those who do not drink milk may be assured that the calming effects of a good herbal tea will replace it advantageously.

6 / Sleep facilitates the assimilation of knowledge
Certainly do not expect to learn Chinese just by sleeping. Although neurons are active when we rest, sleep is no substitute for learning. However, the phase called "REM sleep" would help to build knowledge, while REM sleep stimulates the memory skills. No, you do not change channels revisions during exam time, but review your course before you sleep will benef all for you.

7 / We sleep less as they age
FALSE This is a misconception to say that older sleep less. In reality, the individual has 30, 50 or 70 years, needs remain the same. What changes is the quality of sleep. Between naps more frequent and a less hectic, sleep is less clear. Senior citizens to wake up more often at night, a trend that increases with the years. Course causing drowsiness, affecting almost one third of those over 65 years. Furthermore, according to a study by Inserm in February 2009, excessive sleepiness during the day increase by 33% the risk of death. Do not panic, off disease, a regular physical and mental activity should help the most reluctant to sleep.

8 / Sleep before midnight is more restful
In fact, depending on your pace. If you go to bed every day at 1 am and you wake up to 8-9 hours, your rest will be respected, and you will feel as fresh as your neighbor who has a habit of falling asleep with the chickens and get up at dawn. Sleep is built around a thermal minimum between 2 and 4 am, with a quality difference before and after the first cycle of sleep is most restful. A time slot that will not surprise when you consider that human beings are programmed to sleep at night.

9 / = good sleeper Big sleeper
FALSE long sleepers are not as people whose metabolism is programmed as well. It may be undetected pathologies such as sleep apnea syndrome, which causes arousal. Time to sleep in is then extended, with a common condition of daytime sleepiness. Screening will help you understand what turns you into a woodchuck. Take the test below to determine a possible problem.


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