Wednesday 25 April 2012

How to Wake up in the Morning

Every morning it takes about an hour and a half between the alarm and the arrival at the office. Just the time it takes to implement these 8 tips and be as effective energetic all day.

1 / Daylight
Let you wake up by natural light (or a good imitation). It is what lowers your levels of melatonin - the sleep hormone - and increases your level of cortisol - the starter of your metabolism.

2 / Drag in bed!
Stay under the duvet time to realize that little activity: supine, draw your navel toward your spine as if you overwrite them an orange under your abs. Hold 10 seconds, release and repeat 10 more times 3. This exercise activates the muscle fibers deepest. Your posture will improve and you will burn more calories with every step ... once removed, of course!

3 / warm water
Before your first expression, try drinking two glasses of water at room temperature. It's not very nice, but "you can lose up to one liter of water in sweat during the night, which can cause constipation and lethargy," says Susan Shirreffs in his study, an expert on hydration to University of Aberdeen (Scotland). "At room temperature, water will be treated more quickly and more safely than you will boost your morning dose of caffeine. "And glug, glug and, and ... gulp

4 / Massage
In the shower ... you palpate the skull. Massaging the scalp while washing the hair releases endorphins and stimulates blood circulation, crucial to a hair in great shape. Do it for 5 minutes at least, firmly but without rubbing, with emphasis on the temples and back of the head. Then go to the Scottish shower (alternate hot and cold water) for 5 minutes to remove lactic acid.

5 / A little exercise
Adopt the gym bathroom! Grab a towel, place your right hand behind your head and left behind your back. Pull the left hand down until you feel a stretch in your right shoulder and triceps, stand 30 seconds. Then pull up with the right arm and hold for another 30 seconds. Change hands and repeat two times. This exercise is great for fighting against the stiffness of the night. It helps prevent tension and headaches for the rest of the day, not to mention he is working shoulders, arms and latissimus dorsi.

6 / In the mild
To start, get married oatmeal, raspberries and nuts. It looks like an ordinary muesli, but it was not. According to Franck Senninger nutritionist, author of the Practical Guide foods that maintain your health (ed. Dauphin), raspberry has a record rate of fiber that promotes lower blood sugar and blood fats and the absorption of vitamin C. Mix the raspberries (frozen, it also does) with soy milk, honey and vanilla extract. Accompanied by a bowl of porridge, it is the Duracell breakfasts: carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Add pecans, you will have all the vitamin E and selenium, good for skin and hair.

7 / Chew
Enjoy transport (shared or not) to indulge in this graceful little but useful activity: chew gum, preferably flavored with cinnamon (Chewing gum propolis and Cinnamon Propolia € 2.10 in very good dietary rays). According to the British Medical Journal, cinnamon has the ability to stimulate alertness and calm the frustrations (very useful when traffic congestion). Also opt for a relaxing soundtrack: music BPM brings it down low heart rate and eliminates stress, according to the sports doctor Karageorgist Costas.

8 / Organization!
Arriving at the office, do not open your mail immediately, it would increase your rate of stress hormones. Instead, make a list of tasks for the day. Follow the advice of John Caunt in his book Get Organized (ed. The Company) on a blank page divided into four, divide tasks by category (important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but accessory, neither urgent nor important - it is often an excuse to put off obligations more stressful).


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