Wednesday 25 April 2012

How to Sleep better in Age Forty

Following our series gives you instructions to sleep better depending on your age, here are some tips and rules of life to take a time one passes the forties. Studies have shown that once past this age sleep decreases more and more. Past fifty years we lose 28 minutes of sleep per decade. That's why there are four rules to follow to make the most of his nights and not to disturb others.

"A man of fifty has a level of cortisone twelve times higher than a 30 year old man. Sleep apnea are also more frequent, which interrupts breathing, "says Sonia Ancoli-Israel, director of sleep of a large medical center in Chicago. She said it also results in prostate problems that force people to go to the bathroom while they sleep.

The four rules to follow
1 Take vitamin B5 (know for his many blessings read the articles on sleep at 20 and 30 years) and accompany the sugar half an hour before bedtime. British researchers have shown that athletes with high levels of carbohydrates have a cortisone levels lower than those for which the rate of carbohydrate is low.

2 Make sure that you do not suffer from sleep apnea. It's not just about snoring and ask your doctor how to treat you if you have such a problem. There are also medicines and products that avoid snoring.

3 Check your medications. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that beta-blockers (used among others to treat high blood pressure) decreased melatonin production from 80 to 90%. Prozac and other "drugs" like also have important consequences on sleep quality and increased unwanted awakenings.

4 If you get up to urinate three or more times in the night see a urologist. It is likely that your prostate is damaged or at least damaged. Before taking any medication or other substances it is essential to consult.


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