Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

 You dream of a child and listening to the slightest signs of your body. Few days of missed period, breast tense ... And you already imagine the round belly. Are there any characteristic Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms? Should we trust them?

The hormonal upheaval that accompanies pregnancy may cause early pregnancy signs and symptoms. This is what is called the signs "friendly" of pregnancy, even if those signs do not always deserve that adjective.

The absence of rules, a reliable sign of pregnancy?

Although signs of pregnancy before their stomach does boroughs, many women may see the first signs of pregnancy. As constant, one that almost always gives the alert, is of course the missed period. However, many women have irregular periods or periods of amenorrhea (cessation of spontaneous menses), making this sign, in fact, unreliable, in early pregnancy. Bleeding can also occur when the rules would normally occur. Although often less abundant than menstruation,
they can still be confusing.

Heavy and tight breasts , a symptom of pregnancy?

Many other suggestive symptoms may occur early in pregnancy, all related to the thrust of sex hormones. The breasts swell, with a bulging nipples, which are stained darker and sometimes covered with small granular swellings, which correspond to small glands (Montgomery tubercles). These breast changes are often extremely early.

Already cravings?

Often changes the taste, without any digestive disorder. Previously popular foods are suddenly abandoned, in favor of others. Sometimes it is a real disgust, which may manifest itself as well as for certain dishes for wine or smoking.

Other symptoms of pregnancy

Classic signs, nausea, predominantly morning, came much later, often occurring at the end of the first month of pregnancy. By some estimates, up to half of pregnant women are victims. Vomiting is less common. Increased salivation and exacerbation of smell are often associated, and it is not uncommon either an odor that triggers nausea.

Many women report, finally, constipation and bloating in early pregnancy.


You who were kind of a night owl, do not take over your eyes open when you sit on a sofa. Drowsiness, or an urge to sleep throughout the day, is common in early pregnancy. It is due to the sedative effect of progesterone. The nighttime sleep may, however, be disrupted.

Ultimately, the signs are so numerous and vary from one person to another it would be absurd to base them on the diagnosis of pregnancy. Especially since many women do not experience any of these symptoms. However, the presence of one or more of these changes may attract attention. To check, run to the pharmacy or laboratory analysis to a pregnancy test, and you'll be set.


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