Wednesday 25 April 2012

Pregnancy Test

More than two million pregnancy tests are sold in pharmacies each year. Thanks to the determination of a specific hormone of pregnancy, it allows a reliable answer to almost 99%. They can be used from the first day of menstruation or even three days before for top performers.

How Pregnancy Test work?

Pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies can detect the presence of a specific hormone of pregnancy (b-human chorionic gonadotropin HCG ) in urine, secreted by the egg and then by the placenta. Fertilization is accompanied by the secretion of this hormone that is growing during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Test Accuracy

Placed in the presence of urine, the test changes color. Their reliability is now 99% provided that the precautions were well observed. The results should be obtained on the first morning urine.

How to Take a Pregnancy Test?

It is generally sufficient to place the tester in a bottle of urine or place it under the urine stream and read the answer after five minutes. Staining indicates a certain level of b-HCG, witnessed an early pregnancy.

How often or how long do I use it?

The test is for single use. It can be used from day one assumed the rules and sometimes even three days before.

False Negative Pregnancy Test

The false positives are very rare, but if the response of the test is negative, beware! A test too early does not always detect a recent pregnancy.

Use morning urine more concentrated in hormones.

The dosage of the hormone b-HCG may also be performed in the laboratory. Nearly two and a half million pregnancy tests are sold each year in USA. They are usually sold between 8 and 15 $ and non-refundable.


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