Saturday 21 April 2012

Does drive may prevent infertility in men?

An article in a magazine got me thinking a good time last week. The author has identified nine new endocrine disruptors (products which have substantially the same atomic configuration as hormones) which may disrupt the health of men. These products, which in my opinion SHOULD BE DEFENDED FOREVER, are pesticides!! They have realized that by studying them, these nine products were harmful because they were causing testicular cancer, reduced fertility and a poorly functioning androgen receptors.
That said, this is a problem increasingly widespread in the world for men from all sources and we must really find an alternative way of agriculture. Otherwise, it's really dangerous for our survival.

I was saying, they found that these nine pesticides were dangerous (Oh, what a find!) For the hormonal balance of men and had to really pay attention to them. Finishing to read, I really asked the question whether there were ways to reduce these effects, avoid or circumvent them completely. Basically, I was looking for a solution to maintain or increase the possible secretion of male hormones and prevent good ingesting hormones that tend to feminize'' man''.

It really is a problem that must be addressed because the chemicals that reduce your'' good'' hormones have the potential to act on your genes. And when they come to change the expression of your genes, you also have the ability to transmit these bad genes to your offspring. You must take it seriously and it's not a lie to scare, but the strict truth.


The training is beneficial for many aspects of life:

     increase the performance
     improve the quality of life
     increase feelings of well-being
     maintain independence in the elderly
     improve the psychological state
     reduce symptoms of menopause

Another reason to train is to keep intact hormones or prevent their decline. When men age, the characterstics that made them men come to fade to approach more women.

     testosterone decreases
     estrogens increase
     growth hormone decreases
     DHEA reduced

So these are four hormonal changes caused by aging that impact on sexual health rights.

1-Weight training is the best way to increase the secretion of testosterone. The solicitation of muscles is very important because it is an exercise that will cause the body to secrete more to increase muscle mass. Thus, long-term testes must secrete more hormone to keep up the muscles. The best training protocols are those seeking hypertrophy and increased strength.

The two-abdominal obesity increases estrogen secretion. Men with big bellies secrete more hormone and woman when they have more in circulation, it increases the fat gain. This vicious cycle is dun. The worst part about it is that these estrogen increase naturally with age and weight. They bind to the places where the testosterone must bind and inhibit the chemical reactions that must occur. These men then come to gaining fat in the same way that women do and fat accumulates a little more at their breasts, hips and buttocks.

3-Maintaining muscle mass is enhanced by the effect of growth hormone. When men do weight training, this powerful anabolic hormone is secreted at about midnight-1am and increased muscle production. By cons, it will not be the case for those who go to bed after hours. In addition, it helps to reduce the% of fat. The higher your% fat increases, estrogen increases ... you get the picture? Your training will help you go to bed earlier so you can bébéficier the beneficial effect of the release into the blood of GH.

Slow 4-aging prevent the decrease in DHEA. Obviously, it is biologically impossible to rejuvenate. By cons, it's like a fountain of youth. More remains high, the better bone density, the appearance of the skin and more importantly, it increases production of growth hormone (GH).


Finally, you see there are ways to reduce the effects of aging that affect men's sexual health. Whether through nutrition, exercise, sleep or by taking medication in the case of critically ill patients. By cons, it is often a genetic defect or chemicals that are causing big problems like cancer. What you as much control as it was then the symptoms that are related to poor swing sex hormones that affect your fertility.

This means that you have a 10% impact on your fertility, but fully on your age.

PS: In a future article, I will give you 10 things you can do to help you reduce the amount of chemicals that negatively havoc with your male and female sex hormones.


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