A sleep study showed that the memory of those who spend sleepless nights split 15% of its precision capabilities. Sleep allows the brain to consolidate the information received. Without this rest, the man becomes unable to "store" the data received correctly in the day.
Attention cake!
"Several studies suggest that reduced sleep has such an effect on metabolism that can cause obesity and several types of diabetes," says Slobhan Banks, assistant professor psychiatrist at the University of Pennsylvania. Compared to followers of nights of eight hours, people only sleeping 5-6 hours a night were 69% more likely to end up overweight.
Breeding ground for diseases
The antibodies of partially sleep deprived people have proved 50% lower than those of good sleepers. The flu vaccine would be less effective for night owls! A Harvard study shows that a low rate of bed even increases the risk of cardiac events.
Increased risk of cancer
During sleep, the body builds melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycles. Interrupted sleep, and its secretion is stopped so problematic.
In 2007, scientists have shown that melatonin contributes to the emergence of many other antioxidants, it does so as a booster of vitamin C, itself a powerful antioxidant. And as an individual is better equipped to face if cancer has a high in antioxidants of all kinds, the calculation is done quickly.
Products to help sleep
13% of French products take to help them sleep, half on a regular basis. These products are mostly psychotropic (54%), far ahead of teas (18%) and homeopathy (17%). Insomniacs have more appeal than others (34%).
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